Together with its members, SHEEO will promote an environment that values higher education and its role in ensuring the equitable education of all Americans, regardless of race/ethnicity, gender, or socioeconomic factors.
Our Mission
We aim to achieve our vision by equipping state higher education executive officers and their staffs with the tools to effectively advance the value of higher education; promoting public policies and academic practices that enable Americans to achieve success in the 21st century; and serving as an advocate for state higher education leadership.
Who We Serve
SHEEO serves the chief executives of statewide governing,
policy, and coordinating boards of postsecondary education and their staffs.
Our Strategic Priorities
SHEEO is working to strengthen its service and support of its members and the field by focusing on three strategic priorities.
Strategic Goal
SHEEO supports its members by bringing SHEEO agency staff, partner organizations, and field experts together to network, create connections, share best practices, and learn from one another through robust convenings, learning communities, and constituency group meetings. Through these activities, SHEEO provides access to thoughtful, non-partisan, and timely analysis of critical issues facing higher education that inform policies within states. SHEEO supports the professional development of SHEEO leaders and their staff by serving as the primary, reliable source of in-depth and comprehensive information on state higher education policy and practice.
Strategic Goal
SHEEO is a trusted source for analysis and insight into state postsecondary issues, including state higher education policy, finance, data systems, education-to-workforce outcomes, and student success. SHEEO contributes to thought leadership within the postsecondary landscape by tapping into the experiences and expertise of its membership and its staff, providing informed perspectives on enduring and emerging matters relevant to the field.
Strategic Goal
SHEEO plays a pivotal role in promoting the value of higher education and positioning state leaders’ voices at the state and federal levels on issues impacting higher education. SHEEO champions the public and private good of higher education by elevating state issues and impacts to a national scale and by illustrating the important role SHEEO agencies play in their states and in higher education more broadly.
Strategic Priority 4
With our members and partner organizations, advocate for postsecondary infrastructure and initiatives that bolster equitable support and opportunities for student success and workforce alignment.
Strategic Goal
SHEEO works with states on initiatives that support a holistic approach to student success and state workforce outcomes. This approach is predicated on the belief that investing in individual students and their outcomes results in a direct return on investment to state economies and stakeholders. With our members and partner organizations, SHEEO supports scaling initiatives and policies that improve student realities, support equitable student and institutional opportunities, and positively change student and state outcomes.