Membership Webinar: SHEEO/NASSGAP FAFSA Simplification Webinar


02/29/2024 to 02/29/2024


Virtual Event


The State Higher Education Executive Officers Association (SHEEO) and the National Association of State Student Grant & Aid Programs (NASSGAP) will be hosting a joint webinar that will provide an update on the rollout of the simplified Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The meeting will take place on Thursday, February 29, at 3 p.m. Eastern and is open to all members and staff of SHEEO and NASSGAP communities.

The call will provide an update from top officials from the Office of Federal Student Aid (FSA) at the U.S. Department of Education, as well as an open forum for members of the SHEEO and NASSGAP communities to ask questions of FSA officials. This conversation will be “off the record” and will not be recorded.
If you did not receive an email invitation and would like to register for this webinar, please contact Tom Harnisch, vice president for government relations at SHEEO at or Frank Ballmann, director of federal relations at NASSGAP at