SHEEO will be kicking off an eight-week webinar series called “Public Investment in Higher Education: Research, Strategies, and Policy Implications.” Beginning on February 11, every Thursday, from 3 – 4:30 p.m. ET, SHEEO will host a webinar where researchers will present new original research related to public investment in higher education. Each session will feature several papers and a discussant who will reflect on the papers and their implications for policy and research.
Past Webinars

Investigating the Impacts of State Higher Education Appropriations and Financial Aid
- Kristen Cummings, doctoral student/intern, University of Michigan/SHEEO
- Sophia Laderman, senior policy analyst, SHEEO
- Jason Lee, senior policy analyst, SHEEO
- David Tandberg, senior vice president of policy research and strategic initiatives, SHEEO
- Dustin Weeden, senior policy analyst, SHEEO
Nicholas Hillman, associate professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Carlos E. Santiago, commissioner, Massachusetts Department of Higher Education

Paper 1:
State Funding Volatility and the Growth of Online Programs at Public Four-Year Institutions
- Alisa Fryar, associate professor, University of Oklahoma
- Kevin McClure, assistant professor, University of North Carolina Wilmington
Paper 2:
Funding Virginia Community Colleges During a Recessionary Period: Impact of Utilizing an Outcomes-Based Funding Model
- Cathleen Cogdill, associate dean & professor, Northern Virginia Community College
Paper 3:
Equity in Appropriations: A Framework for Harm Reduction During Economic Downturns
- Mike Abrahamson, policy manager, Partnership for College Completion
- Kyle Westbrook, founding executive director, Partnership for College Completion
Angela Bell, vice chancellor of research and policy analysis, University System of Georgia

Paper 1:
The Effect of State and Local Appropriations on College Graduation Rates for Diverse Students
- Aaron Horn, associate vice president of research, Midwestern Higher Education Compact
- Olena Horner, research associate, assistant director of SERU survey design, SERU Research Consortium
- David Tandberg, senior vice president of policy research and strategic initiatives, SHEEO
- Robert Toutkoushian, professor, University of Georgia
- Shaun Williams-Wyche, associate director of research and data analysis, Midwestern Higher Education Compact
Paper 2:
How Public Funding Shapes Access at Access-Oriented State Comprehensive Universities Across South Carolina
- Colby King, assistant professor, University of South Carolina Upstate
- Christopher Robinson, senior data & research analyst, South Carolina Commission on Higher Education
Aaron Thompson, president, Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education

Paper 1:
Equity and Allocation of Financial Aid for New Jersey
- Drew Anderson, associate economist/professor, The RAND Corporation/Pardee RAND Graduate School
- Melanie Zaber, associate economist, The RAND Corporation
Paper 2:
Race, Income, and Institutional Heterogeneity in the Effects of State Merit Aid Loss
- Kristen Cummings, doctoral student, University of Michigan
- KC Deane, doctoral candidate, University of Michigan
- Amanda Klafehn, senior director, Tennessee Higher Education Commission
Dominique J. Baker, assistant professor, Southern Methodist University

Paper 1:
Considering a Standard Approach to Institutional Adequacy
- Brian Prescott, vice president, NCHEMS
Paper 2:
Are State Financial Supports Lost in the Iron Triangle? A Longitudinal Analysis of Quality, Access and Affordability of Higher Education
- Jeongeun Kim, assistant professor, Arizona State University
Paper 3:
SNAP Participation Among College Students: Unclaimed Benefits and the Role of State Investment
- Peter Granville, senior policy associate, The Century Foundation
- Jen Mishory, senior fellow and senior policy advisor, The Century Foundation
Ben Cannon, executive director, Oregon Higher Education Coordinating Commission

Paper 1:
An Equity Analysis of Outcomes-Based Funding Policies
- Kayla Elliott, assistant director for higher education policy, The Education Trust
- Lawrence Haynes, higher education policy analyst, The Education Trust
- Tiffany Jones, deputy director of measurement, learning and evaluation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Paper 2:
Incentivizing Equity? The Effects of Performance-Based Funding Equity Provisions on Reducing Disparities in College Persistence and Completion
- Monnica Chan, doctoral candidate, Harvard Graduate School of Education
- Zachary Mabel, associate policy research scientist, College Board
- Preeya Pandya Mbekeani, associate program officer, Spencer Foundation
Paper 3:
From Desegregation to Today: Conceptualizing an Equitable Framework for Public Funding for HBCUs
- Sosanya Jones, assistant professor, Howard University
- Brittany Mosby, director of HBCU Success, Tennessee Higher Education Commission
Denisa Gandara, assistant professor, Southern Methodist University

Paper 1:
Examining Free College in Tennessee: A Student-Level Analysis
- Kate Callahan, chief research officer, Research for Action
- Daniel Kent, research analyst, Research for Action
- Lindsey Liu, senior research analyst, Research for Action
Paper 2:
The Irish Experience with No Tuition Fees – A Case Study
- Jason Delisle, resident fellow, American Enterprise Institute
- Art Hauptman, public policy consultant
Paper 3:
Free College and Academic Standards: Implications of 30-Credit-Completion-Requirement for Lower Income Students
- Takeshi Yanagiura, University of Tskuba, Division of Research in Higher Education
Steven Gentile, chief policy officer, Tennessee Higher Education Commission

Paper 1:
Shaping Preferences for State Support for Higher Education: The Roles of the Median Voter, Income Inequality, and Social Mobility
- Jennifer Delaney, associate professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Paper 2:
What is the Effect of Political Party on State Education Finance?
- Mark Chin, doctoral candidate, Harvard University
- Lena Shi, doctoral student, Harvard University
Paper 3:
Where the Balance-Wheel Hypothesis Falls Short: Examining State Policymakers’ Decisions to Fund Higher Education Amidst an Impending Recession
- Meredith Billings, assistant professor, Sam Houston State University
- Denisa Gandara, assistant professor, Southern Methodist University
- Lindsey Hammond, postdoctoral career & technical education research fellow, NC State University
- Paul Rubin, assistant professor, The University of Utah
Will Doyle, professor, Vanderbilt University