For this report, SHEEO surveyed selected historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and HBCU-adjacent school districts to help state higher education executives (SHEEOs) and nongovernmental organizations understand what drives successful teacher preparation at HBCUs. The report suggests ways to use HBCUs as resources to resolve longstanding racial disparities and inequities in majority-minority school districts. We address partnerships with surrounding school districts, professional development, college preparedness, standardized exams, and quality teacher training.
SHEEO Past President Paul Lingenfelter Awarded CPPHE Excellence in Public Policy Higher Education Award
Paul Lingenfelter, president emeritus of the State Higher Education Executive Officers Association (SHEEO), has been awarded the Association for the Study of Higher Education Council on Public Policy in Higher Education Excellence in Public Policy Higher Education Award. The award is intended to recognize excellence in work at the nexus of academic scholarship and policy practice in the field of public policy and higher education. The award committee made decisions based on such factors as a demonstrated commitment to promoting equity, prominence and impact in the field of higher education and in public policy, public scholarship, and excellence in scholarship.

Lingenfelter has been an active and steady voice in the field of public policy for higher education for decades and a leading voice on state higher education finance and state leadership and governance for higher education. For 13 years, Lingenfelter served as the president of SHEEO, the national association of the chief executives of statewide governing, policy, and coordinating boards of postsecondary education. SHEEO endeavors to serve as an unbiased advocate for state policy leadership, as a vehicle for learning from and collaborating with peers, and as a source of information and analysis on educational and public policy issues.
Under Lingenfelter’s tireless leadership, SHEEO focused on increasing successful participation in higher education; accountability for improving learning; finance; and building more effective relationships between K-12 and postsecondary educators. Under his leadership, SHEEO organized the National Commission on Accountability in Higher Education, created the annual study State Higher Education Finance (SHEF), published More Student Success: A Systemic Solution (among many other publications), and substantially expanded SHEEO’s collaborations with the Council of Chief State School Officers, while providing direct technical assistance, professional development, and consultation to state higher education executive officers from across the country. Lingenfelter has been a constant figure on national commissions, working groups, and committees. He has frequently been called upon to testify before Congress, state legislatures, and executive branch offices.
Rob Anderson, current president of SHEEO, shared this regarding Lingenfelter, “Paul’s thinking, writing, and work regarding the position of the state higher education executive officer and state governance and leadership for higher education generally have been extremely impactful. He has been a constant advocate of the role of the state higher education executive officer and for the professionalization of the position. Paul’s career-long dedication to advocating for and improving state higher education finance, policy, leadership, and governance make him an ideal candidate for the CPPHE Excellence in Public Policy Higher Education Award.”
Through Lingenfelter’s writing and work, he has made significant contributions to the way the field thinks about and understands state higher education finance and policy leadership and governance. Lingenfelter’s development of and work on the SHEF report fundamentally changed the way the field measures and thinks about state funding for higher education. The annual data collection has served as a primary data source for those interested in understanding, explaining, and predicting state funding for higher education. Further, Lingenfelter authored “Proof,” Policy, & Practice, a book of significant scholarship, that takes a critical and informed perspective on policymaking, research, and the use of evidence. His recent chapter, in The State Higher Education Executive Officer and the Public Good, on the history of the state higher education executive officer is the only comprehensive history of state higher education policy, leadership, and governance and will likely serve as the source of record on the topic for some time forward.
Carlos Santiago Named Chair of State Higher Education Executive Officers Association Executive Committee
Massachusetts Department of Higher Education Commissioner Carlos Santiago was recently named the chair of the State Higher Education Executive Officers (SHEEO) Executive Committee.
Before serving as chair-elect, Santiago served the SHEEO Executive Committee as treasurer during 2018-19.

“We are excited to have Dr. Santiago serve as our Chair this year,” said Dr. Robert Anderson, president of SHEEO. “I have had the opportunity to get to know Carlos through his service on the Executive Committee, and look forward to working with him as we strive to help graduate more students in a time- and cost-efficient manner while focusing on closing persistent postsecondary equity gaps. His distinguished career at the institution, system, and state level will equip us to better serve our students and states.”
The Executive Committee is responsible for shaping SHEEO’s federal priorities and strategies and for leading its communications with Congress, the U.S. Department of Education, and other federal agencies.
“I’m very much looking forward to assuming the chairmanship of the SHEEO Executive Committee and working with my state counterparts on issues that have a direct impact on students, faculty and the institutions we serve,” said Santiago. “I am also delighted to work with the exceptional staff of SHEEO to ensure that the organization meets the needs of its members and that it continues to lead national discussions and debates on the role and promise of higher education.”
SHEEO, the national association of the chief executives of statewide governing boards and coordinating boards for postsecondary education, works to assist its members and states in developing and sustaining excellent systems of higher education.
Carlos E. Santiago is commissioner of higher education for Massachusetts, appointed to this position by the Board of Higher Education (BHE) in July 2015. Working with the BHE, he is responsible for providing overall direction to public higher education in Massachusetts and helping shape state-level policies that maximize the benefits of higher education to the Commonwealth and its citizens.
Santiago joined the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education in April 2013 as the senior deputy commissioner for academic affairs.
His past academic appointments include that of chancellor of the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee (Wisconsin’s second largest research university). He brings over 30 years of experience in public higher education. Santiago also served as provost and chief operating officer at the University at Albany, (SUNY). He was a professor of economics at UWM and SUNY-Albany and holds a Ph.D. in economics from Cornell University.
A native of Puerto Rico, Santiago is also the author or co-author of six books and has published dozens of articles and book reviews, of which many focus on economic development and the changing socioeconomic status of Latinos in the United States. A new edition of his book, Puerto Ricans in the United States: A Contemporary Portrait, was published in 2018. On two separate occasions, in 1996 and 2011, Santiago has been named one of the 100 most influential Hispanics in the United States by Hispanic Business magazine.
SHEEO Releases White Paper: Understanding State Pension Challenges: A Primer for SHEEOs
State pensions have received increased attention in recent years as most state plans do not have enough assets to pay for future employee retirement benefits. These underfunded pension liabilities have placed added stress on fragile state budgets, taking up a larger portion of state revenue than before the Great Recession, potentially crowding out higher education funding.
Funding levels of public pensions also have implications for the well-being of SHEEO agency employees. State higher education agencies are predominantly made up of state employees who are personally invested in public pension programs and dependent upon them for retirement savings. The long-term structural issues inherent in many state pension programs complicates the efforts of SHEEOs to hire and maintain competent, motivated staffs committed to promoting higher education as a public good and reaching attainment goals.
In this newly published white paper, SHEEO Senior Policy Analyst Dustin Weeden provides background information to help SHEEOs better understand the current status of state pension obligations across the states. The paper explains how public pensions have become underfunded, common reforms states have taken to address the financial health of their retirement systems and highlights several complicating factors that may limit the effectiveness of the reforms or lead to future funding challenges.
Full PDF: Understanding State Pension Challenges: A Primer for SHEEOs
SHEEO and ESG Launch New Initiative to Support State Efforts to Close Attainment Gaps
Seven states join attainment academy to develop cross-sector plans to meet their postsecondary attainment goals
Contact Info: Annahita Jimmerson,, (303) 541-1602
Now and into the future, a postsecondary credential with labor market value is necessary for economic success. And yet, less than half of adults have a postsecondary credential and significant attainment gaps remain across race and income status. To address these gaps, nearly every state in the country has set a postsecondary attainment goal aligned to their future workforce projections. Much work remains to meet these goals, and it will take cross-sector commitment and leadership to translate the aspirations into action.
The State Higher Education Executive Officers Association (SHEEO) and Education Strategy Group (ESG) are excited to launch a new initiative, the Attainment Academy, to support states as they prioritize and refine their strategies to meet their postsecondary education attainment goals. With generous support from ECMC Foundation and other funders, SHEEO and ESG will engage in an 18-month partnership to help seven states (California, Indiana, Louisiana, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, and Tennessee) learn from and support each other as they implement action plans to close equity gaps and increase the economic vitality of their states.
The Attainment Academy will feature some of the nation’s most prominent higher education leaders, including many SHEEOs and distinguished institutional presidents. Some of the states, like Tennessee and Indiana, have been working on their attainment goals for years, while others only recently established their goals. All states have expressed a strong desire to learn from each other’s experiences and strategize together on how to accelerate progress.
Much has been learned over the last several years about the most effective approaches to increasing attainment and its integral connection to state workforce needs. The Attainment Academy will provide a forum for states to reflect on what’s working, refine their strategies, and identify areas for cross-state collaboration. It will also help engage new policymakers and stakeholders in efforts to increase postsecondary attainment, recognizing that some may not have been in their roles when these state goals were initially set.
This initiative leverages the unique strengths of both national organizations.
“As a membership organization, one of SHEEO’s strengths is our ability to convene and lead diverse stakeholders in meaningful discussions and find common ground to move an agenda forward,” said Rob Anderson, president of SHEEO. “Through the Attainment Academy, we will bring together state teams made up of diverse leaders from chief state school officers in K-12 education to state higher education leaders, faculty and institutional leadership, and business and economic development leaders. Each of these key partners must be at the table and committed to closing equity gaps to reach their state’s attainment goal.”
The Attainment Academy will place a special emphasis on aligning education pathways with workforce needs as states recognize the importance of demonstrating the return on investment for postsecondary credentials.
“In ESG’s work across the country, we have learned that states, particularly employers and governors, want quantity and quality when it comes to credential attainment. A high school diploma is no longer enough, but not all postsecondary credentials are created equal,” said Matt Gandal, president of Education Strategy Group. “This initiative will help states prioritize the pathways and credentials that provide currency and value in the labor market so that state education policies are aligned with their economic development strategies.”
Through the Attainment Academy, participating states will develop a focused and coherent plan to implement the necessary strategies to reach their goals, secure a renewed commitment across various stakeholders to increase postsecondary attainment, and begin to implement their newly established priorities.
Throughout the 18-month Academy, close attention will be paid to closing equity gaps in attainment among underserved populations. No state will reach its attainment goal without closing these gaps. “We must erase these gaps, first and foremost, because it is the moral and just thing to do. All Americans deserve the opportunity to achieve the middle class that higher education provides regardless of race, ethnicity, or socio-economic status,” said SHEEO President Rob Anderson.
The State Higher Education Executive Officers Association is the national associating of the chief executives of statewide governing, policy, and coordinating boards of postsecondary education. Founded in 1954, SHEEO serves its members as an advocate for state policy leadership, a liaison between states and the federal government, and a vehicle for learning from and collaborating with peers. SHEEO also serves as a manager of multistate teams and as a source of information and analysis on educational and public policy issues. Together with its members, SHEEO advances public policies and academic practices that enable Americans to attain education beyond high school and achieve success in the 21st century economy.
About ESG
Education Strategy Group is a mission-driven, national consulting firm specializing in K-12, higher education and workforce solutions. ESG brings years of experience helping states and communities around the country devise and implement strategies to align education and workforce goals and implement strategies to meet those goals. ESG’s team is made up of nationally recognized individuals who have held leadership positions in governors’ offices, state higher education agencies, state K-12 agencies, the federal government, and national organizations. ESG brings deep experience devising and implementing strategies to positively impact student success.
SHEEO Announces 2019 Excellence Award Winners
Little Rock, Arkansas – As members of the State Higher Education Executive Officers Association (SHEEO) convened at their 66th Annual Meeting in Little Rock, Arkansas, officials from SHEEO announced the winners of the organization’s SHEEO Excellence Awards. The awards recognize the leadership, dedication, and innovation of exceptional SHEEOs, agency staff, and agencies at a time when state policy success is increasingly linked to student success and, in turn, states’ economic and social prosperity.
- The winner of the Exceptional Leader Award is Glen D. Johnson, Chancellor for the Oklahoma State System of Higher Education.
- The winner of the Exceptional Agency Award is the University System of Georgia.
- The winner of the David L. Wright Memorial Award is Paula Compton, Associate Vice Chancellor of Articulation and Transfer and the Executive Director of the Articulation and Transfer Network (OATN) at the Ohio Department of Higher Education.
Reflecting on the SHEEO Excellence Awards, Dr. Robert Anderson, president of SHEEO, said: “SHEEO is extremely proud of and grateful for the work of all the state higher education executive officers, their agencies, and the agency staff members. We know that these individuals and agencies work every day to advance student success and to ensure that the higher education systems in their states are working to improve the lives of all people. It is, therefore, an honor to recognize the winners of this year’s SHEEO Excellence Awards.”
Exceptional Leader Award
The Exceptional Leader Award is presented to a current state higher education executive officer from a member agency who has shown exceptional leadership, a commitment to higher education, a contribution to the greater good, and service to the SHEEO Association within the last year.
Chancellor Johnson has over 39 years of public service and has served as chancellor of the Oklahoma State System of Higher Education for 12 years. Under Chancellor Johnson’s leadership, Oklahoma’s State System of Higher Education has experienced tremendous success, in particular over the past year, especially with regard to completion of a strategic Task Force on the Future of Higher Education, a deep examination of State Regents’ policy regarding institutional function change and mission expansion requests, college degree completion initiatives, and a specific focus on campus safety and security issues. Chancellor Johnson has worked to maintain the current law with regards to keeping weapons off of college and university campuses in Oklahoma and addressing campus free speech best practices systemwide. He has also implemented an increased focus on coordinated online education efforts within Oklahoma’s State System of Higher Education and increased the reimbursement rate for concurrent enrollment from 27% to 87% by advocating for an additional $7.5 million to fund the concurrent enrollment tuition waiver program in the 2018 legislative session. The concurrent enrollment reimbursement rate has subsequently increased to 100% following the 2019 legislative session.
Chancellor Johnson has also served the wider, state higher education policy field by mentoring new state higher education executive officers and serving the SHEEO Association on its executive committee for a total of six years and as the current chair.
Jay Helm, Oklahoma State Regent for Higher Education, said: “We congratulate Chancellor Glen Johnson for receiving SHEEO’s Exceptional Leader Award. Glen has provided more than 36 years of public service to the State of Oklahoma, including over 23 years of state and national service in higher education leadership roles. As chief executive officer for the Oklahoma state system of higher education, he has served in leadership roles for SHEEO, the Southern Regional Education Board, the American Association for State Colleges and Universities, and the Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges. A tireless and effective advocate for Oklahoma students and the public colleges and universities that serve them, his numerous contributions to the state of Oklahoma and the advancement of our higher education system are invaluable.”
Dr. Stephen Pruitt, president of the Southern Regional Education Board, said: “Chancellor Johnson has shown tireless leadership in his pursuit to be sure each student in Oklahoma has access to a quality postsecondary education. In addition to his critical role in Oklahoma education, I have seen the impact he has had on our region and across the nation through his work with the Southern Regional Education Board and the State Higher Education Executive Officers. While the world will celebrate his body of work, I know Glen sees his magnum opus as the individual students whose lives are better today.”
Constantine W. Curris, president emeritus, American Association of State Colleges and Universities, further praised Chancellor Johnson. “Glen Johnson, from my viewpoint, is one of the most effective higher education leaders in the country. The role of chief executives of both coordination councils and system boards is perhaps the most demanding in all higher education; these leaders must effectively navigate policy and programmatic issues between governing bodies and campus constituencies. Glen’s background, both as a university president and former Speaker of the Oklahoma House of Representatives, has given him incisive insights and currency with both the academy and governing bodies.”
Exceptional Agency Award
The Exceptional Agency Award is presented to a member agency whose innovative actions, policies, or practices advanced student success in their state; which displayed exceptional governance practices; which overcame exceptional challenges; or displayed other meritorious attributes within the last year.
The University System of Georgia (USG) has demonstrated a consistent commitment to advancing postsecondary education and student success within the state of Georgia.
Accomplishments in recent years include:
- USG adopted Momentum Year, an all-in student success plank that aims to have all freshmen start college by: making a purposeful choice in an academic focus area, having a productive academic mind-set, and following clearly sequenced program maps. USG has conducted extensive analysis to build the case for the work; partnered with several external organizations; and convened institutional teams multiple times to learn from experts, share with one another, and develop implementation plans.
- USG is collaborating with industry and economic development entities to increase access to academic programs leading to high demand careers in the state. They are expanding affordable programs in high demand areas through the USG’s online eMajor initiative. eMajor is part of eCampus, a system collaborative that leverages centralized administration, technology, and student support along with institutional curricular offerings to offer select majors and the entire general education curriculum (eCore) in a high quality, low-cost online format to all USG students.
- USG has also been working diligently to bring down student costs. Over the past five years, the USG has collaborated with state leaders and institutions to hold undergraduate in-state tuition increases to an average of 1.7% with two years of no increase at all. This is the third lowest average annual increase in tuition and required fees in the Southern Regional Education Board states. Georgia has dropped to fourth lowest median undergraduate tuition and required fees among SREB 4-year institutions. The 2.5% increase for the 2019-2020 academic year is targeted on investments that improve student outcomes and address general cost increases.
As University System of Georgia Chancellor Steve Wrigley is quoted as saying: “We are honored to be this year’s recipient and look forward to continuing our efforts on behalf of Georgia’s current and future students. This award is a recognition of the work our entire team is doing to advance the University System of Georgia’s three priorities — ensuring more Georgians enter the workforce with a college credential, making college more affordable, and finding opportunities to be more efficient and make college more accessible.”
Brian Kemp, Governor of the State of Georgia praised USG and said: “The University System of Georgia (USG) has equipped its graduates with a strong foundation and the necessary skills to compete in the workforce for generations. The First Lady and I know this firsthand, not only as graduates of a USG institution ourselves, but as the proud parents of two current USG students. Across our state and around the globe, countless families like my own have benefited from the opportunities our twenty-six institutions provide. This national recognition is well-deserved, and it continues to solidify Georgia’s reputation as the top place for students to learn, job creators to invest, and families to grow.”
U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., a member of the Senate committee that oversees education, and the former chairman of the Georgia Board of Education, said: “For many years, I’ve worked closely with the University System of Georgia and its institutions to help improve access to quality education for all Georgians. By opening doors to students earning a college degree, we can change the entire trajectory of their lives and the lives of their families. USG is a national leader in delivering on the dream of an affordable college education. I’m so proud of the work our university system has done on behalf of our students and congratulate USG on this distinction.”
Dr. Robert Anderson, president of SHEEO, said this of the University System of Georgia: “USG epitomizes what is possible when a state higher education agency works collaboratively within their state to increase educational attainment, administrative efficiencies and workforce outcomes. The student-centered focus of this state team under Chancellor Wrigley’s leadership is to be commended and emulated.”
David L. Wright Memorial Award
The David L. Wright Memorial Award is named in honor of the late David Wright, an esteemed colleague and leader in state higher education, who served in the Tennessee Higher Education Commission, the State Higher Education Executive Officers Association, and the Florida Governing Board. This award recognizes a current SHEEO agency staff member, from a member agency, who embodies the exceptional commitment, work ethic, and ethical practices of David Wright, and who has made outstanding contributions to their agency.
Paula has worked for the Ohio Department of Higher Education (ODHE) for 14 years, beginning as the director of the Ohio articulation and transfer network in 2005 and moving in 2009 to her current position as associate vice chancellor of articulation and transfer and the executive director of the articulation and transfer network (OATN).
Each year, Paula’s work and influence on the students of Ohio have expanded. Ohio’s articulation and transfer work began with the guaranteed transfer of general education courses between all of Ohio’s public colleges and universities. Paula’s dedication was key to expanding articulation and transfer policy to guaranteed transfer for pre-major and beginning major courses, to the guaranteed transfer career technical education courses, and to the guaranteed award of transferable credit for military training and experience. More recently, Paula has helped Ohio to move from the guaranteed transfer of courses between colleges and universities to the guaranteed transfer of full programs, as exemplified by the transfer of a full year of technical credit for students completing eligible certificate programs at Ohio’s non-credit technical centers, by Ohio’s apprenticeship pathways, and by work on the seamless transfer of full associate degrees as the first 60 credits of bachelor’s degrees at Ohio’s public universities.
Randy Gardner, Chancellor of ODHE, shared: “I’m excited that Dr. Paula Compton has been recognized for her outstanding efforts to advance the work of articulation and transfer in our state. She is a key member of an excellent higher education team here in Ohio, and a fitting recipient of the David Wright Award.”
Dr. W. Randy Smith, vice provost for academic programs at The Ohio State University, adds: “I have had the opportunity to work continuously with Paula Compton since she joined the Ohio Department of Higher Education. No one is more totally committed, professionally and personally, to student success efforts across Ohio’s 37 public colleges and universities than she is. Through a growing set of interrelated access initiatives related to transfer and articulation, she has set a standard of stewardship that has helped develop a now widely accepted, and real, ‘culture of transfer’ within the state, helping Ohio become a national model for such work.”
The State Higher Education Executive Officers Association is the national association of the chief executives of statewide governing, policy, and coordinating boards of postsecondary education.
Improving State Authorization: The State Role in Ensuring Quality and Consumer Protection in Higher Education
A renewed level of interest in and scrutiny of public accountability of higher education has recently been fueled by a wave of institutional closures; the proliferation of distance education providers and programs; changes in education technology; questions regarding quality, student learning, and the effectiveness of institutional accreditation; and efforts to spur innovation and create on-ramps for new and different education providers. While much of the attention has focused on the role of accreditors and the federal government, the central actors in the higher education public accountability space are the states.
SHEEO Postdoctoral Fellowship Position Announcement
SHEEO Position Announcement in Boulder, Colorado
Postdoctoral Fellowship
SHEEO seeks to fill a postdoctoral fellowship. SHEEO is the national association of state higher education leaders who serve statewide coordinating and governing boards and other state higher education agencies. This position supports SHEEO’s efforts to perform high-quality analysis, policy evaluation and research; advance critical programs and projects; provide assistance to SHEEO members; advance SHEEO’s strategic vision; and contribute to the intellectual and knowledge base of the higher education policy field. SHEEO responds to the changing needs of its members and the state higher education community and regularly pursues new projects that meet our members’ needs and align with the mission of the organization. This position will identify and develop and work in these new areas. Additionally, this position will join all other SHEEO staff in general membership outreach and support.
SHEEO seeks and encourages diverse applicants. The ideal candidate for this position will be enthusiastic about state policy in higher education, have advanced research skills, have knowledge of or experience with SHEEO agencies, be conversant in a wide range of public policy issues in higher education, and understand how data can inform policy and practice. The successful candidate will use this enthusiasm, knowledge, and skills to inform our members and the community about current activities and future trends in public higher education for the purposes of advancing educational attainment, closing equity gaps, and benefiting our states.
The fellowship is fully funded for two years with the possibility of continuation depending upon interest, performance, and funding.
Education and Experience
An earned doctoral degree in a relevant field by the start date.
Required Skills and Attributes
- A passion for advancing educational and economic opportunity, diversity, equity, and social mobility
- Demonstrated
ability to:
- evaluate, interpret, and appropriately utilize relevant research
- address equity gaps
- think independently and creatively to develop and advance original ideas and projects which advance SHEEO’s mission
- conduct research on educational, economic, public policy, social, or demographic trends
- work independently
- establish priorities and coordinate multiple projects
- work cooperatively as part of a team
- think strategically when solving simple and complex problems
- produce relevant papers, reports, and presentations.
- Demonstrated ability or potential to successfully obtain outside funding for special projects
- Previous experience conducting education, social science, public policy, or other research
- Interest in higher education and state policy
- Knowledge of higher education data systems and external data resources such as IPEDS, NPSAS, U.S. Census Bureau
- Fluency in Microsoft Office Suite with specific skills in Excel
- Fluency in advanced research software (e.g., Stata, R, SPSS)
- Attention to detail
- Strong written and verbal communication skills
Salary will be commensurate with successful candidate’s experience and demonstrated skill level. SHEEO provides excellent staff benefits.
Application Process
- Please apply by email to: and include the following:
- Letter describing how you meet the requirements of the position, addressed to David Szczesny, SHEEO, 3035 Center Green Drive, Suite 100, Boulder, CO 80301
- Curriculum vitae
- Writing sample
- Names and contact information of three academic or professional references (References will not be contacted until you have given permission for us to do so.)
Applications will be accepted until the position is filled, but full consideration will be given to those received by June 11, 2019.
SHEEO serves its members as an advocate for state policy leadership, as a liaison between states and the federal government, as a vehicle for learning from and collaborating with peers, and as a source of information and analysis on educational and public policy issues. SHEEO seeks to advance public policies and educational practices to achieve more widespread access and successful participation in higher education, more new discoveries through research, and more applications of knowledge that improve the quality of human lives.
The position will be based in Boulder, Colorado. SHEEO is particularly interested in providing equal employment opportunities and employing a diverse staff. Read more about SHEEO on our website:
Quality Assurance and Improvement in Higher Education: The Role of the States
Higher education is facing a host of challenges, including external questions regarding its value and purpose. These questions cut to the core of the states’ role in higher education. Traditionally, states have the responsibility to ensure that institutions of higher education are operating in the public interest and that the institutions are good stewards of their public resources. Central to this responsibility is the question of institutional and educational quality. Concerns regarding higher education quality and the states’ role in quality assurance and improvement motivated the State Higher Education Executive Officers Association (SHEEO) and the National Association of System Heads (NASH) to partner with Lumina Foundation to investigate current state and system practices and to work toward recommendations for future action.
The partners explored current quality assurance and improvement practices, challenges, and limitations related to quality assurance and improvement at the state and system levels, and ideas for how current policies and practices might be improved, using a variety of data sources, including two in-person convenings of relevant stakeholders, a survey of state higher education agencies and system offices, and qualitative interviews.
Participants and respondents provided important insights into how states and systems might better engage in the question of quality and work to assure and improve quality in higher education. In that regard, we recommend the following:
- Arrive at widely agreed upon understandings of quality.
- Develop a greater understanding among all relevant actors of the state’s interest and role in educational quality.
- Identify best practices in quality assurance.
- Make program review and state authorization meaningful quality assurance processes.
- Treat equity as a quality consideration.
- Actively engage faculty and institutional leaders.
- Invest in data, tools, and people.
- Open lines of communication and real partnership between members of the triad.
West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission Names Interim Chancellor
SOUTH CHARLESTON, W.Va. — During its regularly scheduled meeting today, the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission (Commission) named Dr. Sarah Armstrong Tucker, Chancellor of the West Virginia Community and Technical College System (CTCS), as interim chancellor of the Commission. This will be a dual role, and Tucker will continue as the chancellor of the CTCS. She succeeds Carolyn Long who has served in the role since July 2018. Read more here.