SHEEO Publications


Quarterly Policy Review, Winter 2025: SHEEO Policy Staff

Shared Visions, Shared Outcomes: Transforming Student Success Through Partnership: Sakshee Chawla and John Lane

Building Momentum: Collaborative Solutions for State-Level Student Mental Health: Sakshee Chawla, John Lane, Tom Harnisch, and Zainab Okolo

State Priorities for Higher Education in 2025: Tom Harnisch, Sean Baser, Rachel Burns, Kelsey Heckert, Carrie Klein, Kelsey Kunkle, and Dustin Weeden



Federal and State Funding for Minority-Serving Institutions: Jessica Colorado

Quarterly Policy Review, Fall 2024: SHEEO Policy Staff

Inequality and Inequity in General Public Operating Appropriations: Rachel Burns

Building a Comprehensive Student Success Agenda: Evidence and Emerging Policy Efforts Across States: Kelsey Kunkle and Dustin Weeden

Exploring a New Frontier for National ASAP Replication Scaling: Sakshee Chawla and Katherine J. Giardello

Trends in State, Local, Student, and Grant Shares of Education Revenues: Kelsey Kunkle and Rachel Burns

Digital Credentials Design Template: Kahlea Hunt-Khabir, Sakshee Chawla, and John Lane

Overview of Minority-Serving Institutions in the United States: Kristine Jan Cruz Espinoza

Quarterly Policy Review, Summer 2024: Rachel Burns, Sean Baser, Sakshee Chawla, Jessica Colorado, Gus Gluek, Kelsey Heckert, Kahlea Hunt-Khabir, Kelsey Kunkle, John Lane, and Dustin Weeden

Lessons from the Wellness Blueprint Convening: Cultivating Foundations for Statewide Student Mental Health Policy: Sakshee Chawla

FAFSA Simplification Successes, A Four-State Case Study of Best Practices and Completion Strategies: Rachel Burns and Dustin Weeden

Quarterly Policy Review, Spring 2024: Sean Baser, Sakshee Chawla, Jessica Colorado, Tom Harnisch, Kelsey Kunkle, and John Lane

State Postsecondary Data: How Data Governance and Funding Influence Innovation and Sustainability: Carrie Klein, Sean Baser, and Jessica Colorado

The Impact of the Idaho Direct Admissions Program on Institution Selectivity: Rachel Burns, Sakshee Chawla, and Cate Collins

FY 2023 State Higher Education Finance Report (SHEF): Kelsey Kunkle

Communities of Practice White Paper: Exploring Multi-State and Multi-Sector Data Projects: Jessica Colorado and Sean Baser

Quarterly Policy Review, Winter 2024: Tom Harnisch, Rachel Burns, Kelsey Kunkle, and Dustin Weeden

FAFSA Simplification Guidebook: Mark Weiderspan and Rachel Burns

Strong Foundations 2023, Evolving Systems, Improving Insights, and Enduring Value: Carrie Klein and Jessica Colorado

State Priorities for Higher Education in 2024: Tom Harnisch, Rachel Burns, Kelsey Heckert, Kelsey Kunkle, and Dustin Weeden



State Higher Education Leaders’ Perspectives on College Affordability and the State-Federal Relationship in Higher Education Financing: Kelsey Kunkle, Tom Harnisch, and Rachel Burns

SHEF Issue Brief: Analyzing Lottery Proceeds as an Aspect of State Support for Higher Education (FY 2022): Pearson Brown

SHEF Issue Brief: Local Appropriations for Public Institutions (FY 2022): Rachel Burns

National and State Impacts of FAFSA Simplification: Rachel Burns

State Transfer Policy Standards Project: Centering Equity in State Transfer Reform Efforts: Christina Whitfield

A Dream Derailed? Investigating the Causal Effects of Student Protection Authorization Policies on Student Outcomes After College Closures: Rachel Burns, Dustin Weeden, Ellen Bryer, Kelsey Heckert, Lynneah Brown

Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on State Tuition, Fees, and Financial Assistance Policies: Jessica Colorado

State Tuition and Fees for Undocumented Students: Rachel Burns

State Tuition, Fees, and Financial Assistance Policies 2022 Report: Jessica Colorado, Sophia Laderman, Casey McCoy-Simmons

FY 2022 State Higher Education Finance (SHEF) Report: Kelsey Kunkle and Sophia Laderman

FY 2020 and 2021 State Effort Report: Kelsey Kunkle and Sophia Laderman

A Dream Derailed? Investigating the Causal Effects of College Closures on Student Outcomes: Rachel Burns, Ellen Bryer, Kelsey Heckert, Dustin Weeden, Lynneah Brown

Communities of Practice: Improving Equity and Opportunity Through Postsecondary Data: Jessica Colorado, Carrie Klein, and Christina Whitfield

State Priorities for Higher Education in 2023: Survey of SHEEOs: Tom Harnisch and Sophia Laderman

Student Residency in Higher Education Finance: Sophia Laderman and Kelsey Kunkle



Sources and Uses of COVID-19 Federal Stimulus Funding to Support Higher Education: Dillon McNamara and Sophia Laderman

A Dream Derailed? Investigating the Impacts of College Closure on Student Outcomes: Rachel Burns, Lynneah Brown, Kelsey Heckert, Dustin Weeden, Hee Sun Kim, Beatrix Randolph, Aaron Pevitz, Sarah Karamarkovich, and Jennifer Causey

State Approaches to Base Funding for Public Colleges and Universities: Sophia Laderman, Dillon McNamara, Brian Prescott, Sarah Torres Lugo, and Dustin Weeden

Performance-Based Funding Allocations for Public Higher Education Institutions, Fiscal Years 2020 and 2021: Kelsey Kunkle

Under Audit: Equity Audits in State Higher Education Finance: Sophia Laderman

Communities of Practice: Aligning K-12 and Postsecondary Education: Jessica Colorado, Carrie Klein, Christina Whitfield

2021 Membership Report: Brandon Bishop and Kelsey Heckert

The Funding Formula Review Process: Jim Pinkard, Matthew LaBruyere, Crystal L. Collins, Dustin Weeden

State Capital Appropriations for Public Higher Education Fiscal Years 2020 and 2021: Dustin Weeden

State Higher Education Finance: FY 2021: Sophia Laderman and Kelsey Kunkle

State Effort and Capacity to Fund Higher Education: FY 2019 and 2020: Sophia Laderman and Kelsey Kunkle



2020 Membership Report: Brandon Bishop and Kelsey Heckert

State-Level Program Approval and Review: Monoka Venters

Mission Driven, Community Focused: Tribal Colleges & Universities and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Molly E. Hall-Martin

Capacity to Protect: A Survey of State Authorization Agencies and Offices: Molly E. Hall-Martin

Privacy and Security in State Postsecondary Data Systems: Strong Foundations 2020: Ernest Ezeugo, Carrie Klein, and Christina Whitfield

State Postsecondary Data Research Partnerships: Strong Foundations 2020: Carrie Klein, Christina Whitfield, Dustin Weeden

State Higher Education Finance: FY 2020: Sophia Laderman and Kelsey Heckert

State Effort and Capacity to Fund Higher Education: FY 2018-2019: Sophia Laderman and Dustin Weeden

SHEEO Analysis of Fiscal Year 2021 State Funding for Higher Education: Sophia Laderman and David Tandberg

State Funding for Private Institutions: Sophia Laderman

Analysis of Federal Stimulus Funding to States and Public Institutions: Sophia Laderman and Tom Harnisch

Investigating the Impacts of State Higher Education Appropriations and Financial Aid: Kristen Cummings, Sophia Laderman, Jason Lee, David Tandberg, and Dustin Weeden



Regional Public Universities: Addressing Misconceptions and Analyzing Contributions, Chapter Four: Doing the Same (or More) With Less: The Challenges Regional Public Universities Face in Serving Rural Populations: Andrew Koricich, David Tandberg, Brandon Bishop, Dustin Weeden

Postsecondary Education for Incarcerated Individuals: Guidance for State Agencies and Systems of Higher Education: Denise Pearson and Kelsey Heckert

State Higher Education Finance: FY 2019: Sophia Laderman & Dustin Weeden

Changing Trends in State Financial Aid: Sophia Laderman

Post-Recession Trends in Higher Education Revenues: Dustin Weeden

Regional Differences in Higher Education Finance: Sophia Laderman

State Agencies and Systems of Higher Education Leading for Equity: Denise Pearson, Jason Lee, and Brandon Bishop

2019 SHEEO Membership Report

Communities of Practice: Developing Financial Aid Metrics in State Data Systems: Eric Godin



Communities of Practice: Developing Guided Pathways Metrics in State Data Systems: Eric Godin

Adult Promise Design Template: Alli Bell

Strategic Priorities for Historically Black Colleges and Universities with Teacher Preparation Programs: Ivory A. Toldson and Denise Pearson

Understanding State Pension Challenges: A Primer for SHEEOs: Dustin Weeden

Improving State Authorization: The State Role in Ensuring Quality and Consumer Protection in Higher Education: David Tandberg, Ellie Bruecker, and Dustin Weeden

Quality Assurance and Improvement in Higher Education: The Role of the States: David Tandberg and Rebecca Martin

Strong Foundations 2018: The State of State Postsecondary Data Systems: Christina Whitfield, John Armstrong, and Dustin Weeden

David Tandberg Witness at Senate HELP Committee Hearing Reauthorizing the Higher Education Act: Strengthening Accountability to Protect Students and Taxpayers: David Tandberg

State Higher Education Finance: FY 2018: Sophia Laderman

State Budget Drivers: Slow Revenue Growth and Increased Expenditure Competition: Dustin Weeden

Fiscal Challenges in Illinois: Andy Carlson

Ten Years Out: State Recovery from the Great Recession: Sophia Laderman

Response to Senators’ letter RE Student Borrowers of Color: David Tandberg

The Road to the State Higher Education Executive Office: Prior Job Experiences, Degree Attainment, and Minimum Job Qualifications of State Higher Education Executive Officers: Brandon Bishop



Monitoring and Assessing the Financial Health and Risk of Colleges and Universities: David Tandberg

The Power of a Promise: Implications and Importance of Adult Promise Programs: Andy Carlson and Sophia Laderman

Indicators of Educational Quality for Postsecondary Accountability Systems: Aaron Horn and David Tandberg

MHEC Policy Brief: Evaluating State Funding Effort for Higher Education: David Tandberg and Sophia Laderman

State Higher Education Finance: FY 2017: Sophia Laderman

Outcomes-Based Funding and State Support: Dustin Weeden

Rob Anderson Witness at Senate HELP Committee Hearing on Reauthorizing the Higher Education Act: Improving College Affordability: Rob Anderson

Communities of Practice: Improving Access to State Postsecondary Data Systems: Dustin Weeden and Christina Whitfield

Communities of Practice: Integrating Independent Institutions in Postsecondary Data Systems: Carolyn Mata and Dustin Weeden



State Higher Education Finance: FY 2016: Sophia Laderman

Sources and Uses of Public Funding for Higher Education: Sophia Laderman

Initial Findings: Sector Level Breakdown: Sophia Laderman

Data-informed Policy Innovations in Tennessee: Christina Whitfield

Coordinating Data Governance in Washington: John Armstrong

Data-Driven Decision-making in South Dakota: John Armstrong

Promoting Transparency and Accountability in North Carolina: Denise Pearson and John Armstrong

Privacy, Confidentiality, and Security in Arkansas: Christina Whitfield

A Federal-State Partnership for True College Affordability: David Tandberg, Sophia Laderman, and Andy Carlson

The State Imperative: Aligning Tuition Policies with Strategies for Affordability: John Armstrong, Andy Carlson, and Sophia Laderman



The State of State Postsecondary Data Systems: John Armstrong and Christina Whitfield

Adult Promise Program: A Pilot Design Template for States: Andy Carlson, Sophia Laderman, Denise Pearson, and Christina Whitfield

State Higher Education Finance: FY 2015: Andy Carlson and Sophia Laderman

The Economic Cycle’s Impact on Higher Education Funding: Sophia Laderman

Serving the Equity Imperative: Intentional Action Toward Greater Student Success: Katie Zaback, Andy Carlson, Sophia Laderman, and Sharmila Mann

Assessing and Improving State Postsecondary Data Systems: John Armstrong and Katie Zaback

A Roadmap to College Readiness: Sharmila Mann



State Higher Education Finance: FY 2014: Andy Carlson



State Higher Education Finance: FY 2013: Andy Carlson

Moving the Needle: How Financial Aid Policies Can Help States Meet Student Completion Goals: Andy Carlson and Katie Zaback



State Tuition, Fees, and Financial Assistance Policies: Andy Carlson

State Higher Education Finance: FY 2012: Andy Carlson



Strong Foundations: The State of State Postsecondary Data Systems: 2012 Update on Data Sharing with K-12 and Labor: Tanya I. Garcia and Hans P. L’Orange

State Higher Education Finance: FY 2011: Andy Carlson



State Tuition, Fees, and Financial Assistance Policies: Allison C. Bell, Julie Carnahan, and Hans P. L’Orange

State Higher Education Finance: FY 2010: Allison C. Bell



Strong Foundations: The State of State Postsecondary Data Systems: Tanya I. Garcia and Hans P. L’Orange

State Higher Education Finance: FY 2009: Allison C. Bell